2024 Grampians Fire Economic Impact Survey Unique ID The Northern Grampians Shire Council acknowledges the significant devastation caused by the 2024-25 Grampians Bushfires, resulting in widespread and ongoing challenges. These include economic, ecological, environmental, and health impacts - both physical and mental - that have deeply affected community wellbeing. Given the severity of the disaster, the full extent of economic and social repercussions remains uncertain and will take time to fully unfold. The council is committed to understanding these economic impacts on the local government area (LGA) to better inform our recovery efforts and strengthen community resilience. Council will be working side by side with partner agencies including Emergency Recovery Victoria, Regional Development Victoria, Parks Victoria and Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism. Your participation in this survey is vital to understanding the current and long-term impacts of recent events on businesses like yours. The insights you provide will guide efforts to address immediate needs and shape strategies for future recovery and resilience.Business overviewBusiness Postcode(Required)Please enter the POSTCODE your business operates in: Industry Classification(Required)Please select your main industry category (ANZSIC Classification): Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Arts and Recreation Services Transport Postal and Warehousing Professional Scientific and Technical Services Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Other Services Other Services classification details(Required)Please provide details of your other services industry classification: Does your business directly service the Tourism/Visitor attractions sector?(Required) Yes No Impact detailsHave you experienced a loss in revenue from lower sales or trade?(Required) Yes No Loss of operations(Required)How many days have you been closed or not been able to operate since 17 December 2024? Loss of operations detailsPlease provide any relevant notes regarding lost operational days below: Estimated financial loss(Required)What is your estimated total loss in revenue, including any forward booking cancellations, as a result of the bushfires that began on 17th December 2024?Revenue loss percentage(Required)What % of your annual business revenue does the loss represent?Estimated financial loss detailsPlease provide the details of what makes up your estimated financial loss: Ongoing revenue impactPlease provide details of any factors that may continue to impact you and cause revenue loss even AFTER the national park has re-opened: Last year employee numbers(Required)Thinking about the same time last year, how many employees did you have? (your answer should reflect full time equivalent numbers)Last year employee numbers notesPlease provide any relevant notes regarding last year's employee numbers below: Current employee numbers(Required)How many employees do you have now - after the fire? (your answer should reflect full time equivalent numbers)Current employee numbers notesPlease provide any relevant notes regarding current employee numbers below: Challenges and needsChallengesWhat specific areas of your business are facing the greatest challenges as a result of the bushfires? Please select as many as applicable: Access to staff Access to stock and or suppliers Attracting customers Being ineligible for business interruption insurance Building repairs Cancelled bookings or orders Cash flow maintenance Communications and power restoration Counselling General cleanup Insurance Paying rent Paying staff on contracts when the work is not there Paying suppliers Replacing equipment and or stock Retaining staff ineligible for the support payments Uncertainty around when and what parts of the Grampians NP will open Utility restoration (electricity water gas) Other Other challenges(Required)Please provide details of other challenges experienced: Would you be interested in receiving advice or support to address your current business challenges? Yes No Type of advice or supportWhat type of advice or support would you be interested in receiving? Please select as many as applicable: Financial counselling Marketing Navigating insurance claims Negotiating with your bank Planning and building Social support or counselling Staff Support accessing Government financial assistance Other Other support details(Required)Please provide details of other advice or support that you would be interested in: Are you aware of support available for your business? Yes No Have you accessed any support available for your business? Yes No Support accessed detailsPlease provide details of the support you have accessed: Would you like to provide any feedback on current Government support? Yes No Current Government support feedback(Required)Please provide any feedback you have regarding current government support: Insurance detailsDo you have business insurance?(Required) Yes No Insurance details(Required)Please provide details of your business insurance: Has your insurance covered your losses resulting from the fires?(Required) Yes No Unsure Losses not covered details(Required)Please provide details of why your business insurance did not cover your losses resulting from the fires: Insurance cover detailsPlease provide any relevant information regarding your insurance claim: Going forwardLonger term issuesWhat longer term issues do you think need to be resolved that have always been there but are now critically evident (eg. worker visa 88 day requirements, insurance viability, housing)? Challenges to long-term recovery and growthWhat do you see as the biggest challenges, barriers or issues affecting your business's long-term recovery and growth? Solutions and strategies to support long-term recovery and growthConsidering the challenges you've identified, what solutions or strategies do you think would best support your business's long-term recovery from the fire? Solutions and strategies to support INDUSTRY long-term recovery and growthLooking at the bigger picture, what solutions or strategies do you believe would most effectively support the long-term recovery of your industry (e.g., tourism or agriculture) from the impacts of the fire? Are there particular policies, resources, or collaborative efforts you think would drive recovery and resilience in your industry? Other commentsPlease feel free to provide any other comments below: Business contact detailsYour name(Required) First Last Business name(Required) Business address(Required) Street address Address line 2 Town Email(Required) Best contact number(Required) Privacy Collection Statement(Required)Personal information requested on this form will only be used by council to carry out its functions and activities and will not be disclosed without your consent except where authorised by law. If you do not provide all or part of the personal information required we may not be able to process your request in an effective and efficient manner. You have the right to seek access to and correction of your personal information. I acknowledge that: I have read and understood the Privacy Collection Statement and consent to my personal information being used for the purpose specified CAPTCHA